Sinotruk (Hong Kong) Limited Environment, Health, and Safety Policy

Sinotruk (Hong Kong) Limited

Environmental Health and Safety Policy

1.   Purpose

The purpose of this Environmental Health and Safety Management Policy established by Sinotruk (Hong Kong) Limited (now referred to as 'the Group,' 'Group,' 'Sinotruk,' or 'we') is to protect the ecological environment, safeguard employee health and safety, and protect shareholder interests. Throughout our business processes, including product development, vehicle manufacturing, supply chain management, and sales services, we consistently prioritize occupational health and safety and sustainable green development in all business operations. We aim to create a comprehensive commercial vehicle group that is healthy, safe, resource-efficient, and eco-friendly.

2.   Applicability

This policy applies to the entire Group and its employees, including wholly owned subsidiaries, branch offices, and affiliated companies. It also applies to organizations and individuals appointed to or representing Sinotruk, including contractors and other external employees.

3. Philosophy, Guidelines, and Principles

Sinotruk's environmental health and safety philosophy, guidelines, and principles are formulated and implemented following relevant domestic and international laws and regulations, environmental management standards and guidelines (ISO14001), health and safety management standards and guidelines (ISO45001), and Sinotruk's ecological health and safety management strategy.

1. Sinotruk Environmental Health and Safety Philosophy

The company's core interests are protecting employee health and safety and promoting sustainable green development.

2. Sinotruk Environmental Health and Safety Management Guidelines

Under the vision of Sinotruk, we ensure the lasting value of the ecosystem and personnel by implementing environmental protection measures and providing a safe and healthy working environment:

1) Prioritizing on-site and people-centric environmental health and safety management;

2) Continuously building an environmental health and safety culture through the voluntary participation of every individual;

3) Establishing an advanced environmental health and safety system with diverse and creative methods;

4) Exceeding legal and societal requirements in environmental health and safety practices to meet societal expectations.

3. Sinotruk Environmental Health and Safety Management Principles

1) Business scope leaders have direct responsibility for environmental health and safety management;

2) Compliance with environmental health and safety rules is a condition of employment;

3) Regularly organize environmental health and safety education and drills for employees;

4) All environmental health and safety hazards must be promptly rectified;

5) All incidents must be promptly reported, analyzed, rectified, and disseminated;

6) All relevant parties must adhere to local environmental health and safety management requirements and procedures.

4. Management Activities Policy

Under Sinotruk's environmental health and safety management philosophy, guidelines, and principles, the Group establishes an environmental health and safety management system. By setting quantitative goals, we actively prevent accidents and reduce environmental impacts. Additionally, we conduct various activities to enhance environmental health and safety, developing an advanced ecological health and safety culture.

1. System Management

Sinotruk has established an integrated environmental health and safety organizational system and operates key performance indicators (KPIs) to promote site-centered health and safety levels and implement environmental health and safety management policies. Additionally, we strengthen environmental health and safety management by selecting improvement tasks to prevent major accidents and inspecting management’s supervision of on-site management conditions.

  1. Performance Management: We formulate and manage medium- and long-term environmental health and safety performance improvement indicators, directly linking them to the remuneration of the management team within the organizational system. Based on leading and lagging indicators of environmental health and safety data, combined with domestic and international laws and regulations, industry trends, and internal environmental health and safety needs, we set medium- and long-term performance improvement goals. These goals are periodically reviewed, analyzed, evaluated, and improved, and the management team’s performance is assessed based on the actual implementation of these goals.
  2. Review and Continuous Improvement: We will conduct internal reviews of environmental health and safety as appropriate, continuously improving the company's environmental health and safety management system. We actively seek improvement opportunities, continuously improving the system's effectiveness, suitability, and adequacy. When significant environmental health and safety incidents, internal and external complaints, risk control failures, or unmet goals occur, we will immediately analyze the causes and take corrective and preventive measures.
  3. Compensation Assessment: We directly link the achievement of environmental health and safety management objectives to the compensation of management in the EHS organization system. The performance of the management is evaluated annually according to the actual implementation of the objectives, and 10% of the remuneration is fluctuated according to the evaluation results.

2. Assurance of Resource Support

The Board of Directors of Sinotruk is the highest decision-making body for the company's EHS matters. Additionally, each business line establishes an environmental health and safety management committee and a dedicated environmental health and safety management organization. To implement the ecological health and safety management policy, achieve management goals, reduce risks, and prevent accidents, the company will allocate necessary personnel, infrastructure, and financial support, continuously enhancing personnel capabilities. We will expand/restructure the environmental health and safety organization system and strengthen safety prevention execution capabilities. By operating on-site performance management indicators, we aim to prevent major accidents.

Sinotruk will provide environmental health and safety training for employees, management, and other stakeholders to enhance their awareness of the necessity of environmental health and safety management. We will encourage frontline employee participation and establish internal and external communication channels across different functions and levels. Sinotruk ensures its capability by supporting suppliers and establishing safety and health management systems for employees and business partners, leading to sustainable shared growth.

3. Environmental Health and Safety Management Activities

3.1 Health and Safety Management Activities

1) Risk Management: We will identify risk factors related to raw materials, the work environment, equipment and facilities, process gases and chemicals, and work behaviors and take necessary measures to control risks and interference.

2) Procurement and Outsourcing Management: During the facilities procurement phase, we will require suppliers to specify their equipment's environmental health and safety risks and corresponding control measures, including this information in the acceptance criteria upon delivery. We will conduct qualification reviews before and after introduction for external contractors and implement training, process inspection, supervision, and departure management per related party management procedures.

3) Compliance Management for Construction Projects: We will develop compliance management procedures for engineering projects to control compliance risks and project implementation risks during the implementation of new, modified, or expanded projects.

4) Work Safety Management: We will implement special management systems for high-risk operations, use job safety analysis tools to prepare work permits for non-routine operations, control operational process risks, and manage routine operations through standard operating procedures. We aim to standardize the management of various operational activities, ensuring the achievement of quantitative goals.

5) Mechanical Safety Management: We will adopt quality assurance and control measures during the design, manufacturing, transportation, installation, and other stages of equipment and facilities, establishing maintenance plans and necessary performance testing to ensure mechanical injury risks are controllable.

6) Change Management: We will establish and improve change implementation in personnel, equipment, processes, and procedures, analyzing potential risks in changes and implementing corresponding control measures. This will ensure that new risks are controlled, and existing risk control measures are maintained.

7) Emergency Preparedness and Response: We will establish emergency preparedness and response mechanisms for primary hazard sources, critical environmental factors, and process risks, ensuring emergency supplies are available. We will develop training and drill plans and continuously evaluate and improve emergency response processes.

8) Incident Management: We will establish a comprehensive incident management process that covers incident reporting, emergency handling, investigation, and improvement. We will also regularly conduct incident statistical analysis, which we will reflect in our performance improvement goals.

3.2 Environmental Protection Management Activities

To achieve green production, green operation, and green logistics within the Group, this management regulation is established. This regulation explicitly requires employees to manage materials and energy use, air pollutant emissions, water resources, and industrial waste in a standardized manner. It applies to all employees of the Group and extends to all suppliers, contractors, and other intermediaries.

1) Supply Chain Management: We will share the company's environmental policies and management strategies with contractors, suppliers, distributors, and other partners, encouraging them to fulfill ecological responsibilities. We will comprehensively consider environmental factors in all production and business activities, promoting the appropriate use of environmentally friendly materials and technologies.

2) Material Use: Based on environmental impact assessment results throughout the entire lifecycle of raw material input, product production/distribution, and waste product recycling/reuse, we will improve environmental impact. Additionally, the company will continuously promote green sustainability concepts, applying them to production and daily operations to build a green and low-carbon enterprise.

3) Logistics Management: We will adopt advanced logistics technologies and expand eco-friendly logistics transportation networks, rationally planning and implementing logistics activities such as transportation, storage, loading and unloading, handling, packaging, circulation, distribution, and information processing to reduce logistics' environmental impact and continuously develop a green logistics system.

4) Energy Consumption Management: We will fully consider energy utilization efficiency in production and business activities, promoting advanced technologies to improve the company's energy management efficiency continuously. We will implement energy-saving management measures and control strategies, constantly improving energy utilization rates. We will promote or increase the use of renewable or alternative energy sources, such as solar energy and green electricity.

5) Water Resource Management: Recognizing the necessity of sustainable water resource conservation, we will seek methods to reduce water usage and recycle water resources, gradually promoting refined water resource data management, applying advanced water-efficient technologies, processes, and systems, and encouraging employees and partners to participate in water conservation actions, raising water conservation awareness.

6) Industrial Waste Management: We will identify waste generated in daily operations and strictly comply with relevant laws and regulations. We will seek innovative solutions and technologies through internal and external collaboration to ensure waste is safely and orderly recycled, reused, and disposed of. We will also control and reduce waste generation from the source.

7) Mergers and Acquisitions Management: During mergers and acquisitions, Sinotruk will conduct environmental investigations, reviewing the target organization's ecological compliance risks and potential adverse environmental impacts based on environmental data. We will then formulate compliance risk countermeasures and include the environmental impact review results in the target organization's valuation.

8) Supplier/Contractor Management: We require all suppliers, contractors, and other intermediaries to comply with our environmental health and safety management regulations. We will regularly review their work and performance compliance and take stringent measures against suppliers and contractors who seriously violate these regulations.

5. Conclusion

This policy will help us manage environmental health and safety risks in production and business activities, continuously enhancing the organization's and individuals' risk response capabilities. Legal systems vary across countries/regions, if there is one.
