A sound ESG governance system is paramount to corporate ESG management. Sinotruk persists in improving our ESG governance by incorporating ESG issues into the Group’s decision-making and daily operations and following impacts of our businesses on the environment and society. The Group responds to the environmental, social and governance demands of our stakeholders from multiple angles, and continuously promotes the sustainable and collaborative development of the Group and our stakeholders.

  Sinotruk is committed to building an ESG management system with a clear division of responsibility and authorities as well as a hierarchical structure. The Group follows the ESG policies, standards and guidelines of the market where it is listed, systematically plans the ESG governance, and realizes standardized and professional management of ESG work. We have built a three-tier ESG governance structure featuring “the governance tier - the management tier - the execution tier”, to clarify the responsibilities of each tier and ensure the smooth implementation of our ESG work.

