Tan Xuguang: We will shoulder the responsibility and take the lead to make greater contributions to Shandong equipment manufacturing industry!

From June 1st to 2nd, Tan Xuguang presided over the meeting on the economics operation analysis of domestic companies and the meeting on global incremental market development. The meetings are to further carry out the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions when inspecting Shandong and fully evaluate the economic indicators of the first five months. Centering on winning in June and moving first in Q3, comprehensive plans were made on domestic and overseas incremental business.

SHIG should take the lead in the high-quality development of industry chains in Shandong

June 1st

Meeting on the economics operation analysis of domestic companies in the first 5 months

Tan Xuguang commented:

1. The high-quality operation of a company lies in faster growth of profits than revenue. We should further improve quality and efficiency, and maintain the position of the most profitable company of the industry.

2. The core of team building lies in having the initiative in strategy, and dealing with the major contradiction as well as the major aspect of a contradiction. We should have wisdom in commercial battlefield, deliver innovative product and go deep in management, not do superficial work, empty talk and simple judgement.

Overseas business should release new quality productivity

June 2

Meeting on global incremental market business

Tan Xuguang commented:

1、We should deeply dig into the markets along “Belt and Road” area while accelerating the releasing of the incremental business from new energy, new technology and new business form with SHIG characteristics and high-end brand.

2、We should dynamically adjust the layout of the international strategic market by fighting positional battles in the traditional market and main battles in the strategic market, in order to bring the Group's product level to world-class through international market.

3、Teams at all levels should have the sense of dedication to career, shouldering the responsibility not only for the present, but also for the future. By enjoying the pursuit of career, one can find the greatest joy of life.

As the leading role of Shandong equipment manufacturing industry chain, SHIG should further implement the spirits of important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his visit to Shandong, unswervingly shoulder the responsibility and play the lead, and take concrete actions to make greater contributions to the development of Shandong's equipment manufacturing industry
